Town of Newark, White Clay Creek Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware
The town of Newark, situated in the
western part of White Clay Creek Hundred, was settled more than
two centuries ago by natives of England, Wales and Scotland. The
name is probably taken from the Newark in the old country
mentioned by Scott,
"Where Newark's stately tower
Looks out from Yarrow's birchen bower. "
The growth of the village was slow, and
nothing important is known concerning it until 1757, when James
McMechan and others applied to William Denny, Acting Governor of
the three lower counties on the Delaware, for corporate
privileges. He referred the matter to King George II., Sovereign
of England, who, on April 13, 1758, granted the following, which
may be considered its first charter:
"George the Second, by the
Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King,
Defender of the Faith and so forth. To all unto whom
these presents shall come. Greeting:
"Whereas, our loving subjects, James McMechan, Reynold
Howell, William McCrea, William Eynon, William Armstrong
and David Wilkin, of our County of New Castle within the
government of our counties of New Castle, Kent and
Sussex, have been at great expense in building houses
and making improvements in a piece of land ten miles
west of New Castle, at the intersection of two very
public roads, the one leading from New Castle to the
Crossroads in Chester County, and the other leading from
Kent and Sussex to New Garden in order to erect and make
a town there, which is called Newark, in the County of
New Castle. And, whereas, the said James McMechan,
Reynold Howell, William McCrea, William Eynon, William
Armstrong and David Wilkin, with divers others, the
proprietors of houses and lots of ground in and near the
said town, have humbly besought our trusty and
well-beloved William Denny, Esq., with our royal
approbation Lieutenant-Governor of the counties
aforesaid, under the Hon. Thomas Penn and Richard Penn,
Esquires, true and absolute proprietors of the province
of Pennsylvania and counties aforesaid, for our letters
patent under the great seal of the government of the
said counties for granting to the present and future
inhabitants of the said town or village called Newark,
the lowers und privileges of having fairs yearly, and
one weekly market there, for the encouragement of trade
and better accommodating and supplying the inhabitants
thereof with provisions and other necessaries.
Therefore, know ye that we, favoring the petition and
good purposes of the said James McMechan, Reynold
Howell, William McCrea, William Eynon, William Armstrong
and David Wilkin, and being willing to encourage trade
and industry amongst all our subjects, and to promote,
as much as in us lies, their welfare and utility, have
of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion,
granted, and do by these presents for us, our heirs and
successors, grant and ordain that the present and future
inhabitants of the town aforesaid, called Newark, shall
and may from henceforth forever hereafter hold and keep
two fairs yearly at the said town called Newark, that is
to say, on the third Thursday and Friday in the months
of April and October in every year, for the buying and
selling of neat cattle, oxen, cows, horses, sheep and
hogs and all other goods, wares and commodities, and
also a weekly market, to wit: on every Thursday,
together with the free liberties, customs, profits,
privileges and emoluments to the aforesaid fairs and
markets belonging or in anywise appertaining forever.
And we do further grant for us, our heirs and
successors, to the present and future inhabitants of the
said town, and all our liege subjects, that it shall and
may be lawful for them to assemble themselves together
at the said town called Newark, for holding the
aforesaid fairs and weekly market on the respective days
and times hereinbefore limited and appointed at such
places within the said town as the inhabitants thereof
from time to time shall appoint. And wo do hereby
further grant and ordain that David Wilkin, of the said
town of Newark, shall be the first clerk of the market
who (and all succeeding clerks of the market of the said
town) shall have assize of bread, wine, beer, wood and
other things, and to execute and perform all other
things belonging to the office of clerks of the market
within the said town. In testimony whereof we have
caused these, our letters patent, and the great seal of
our said Government to be hereunto affixed. Witness,
William Denny, Esq , with our royal approbation
Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the
province of Pennsylvania and counties aforesaid, this
thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight, and in the
thirty first year of our reign." This is signed by
William Denny, and the great seal of the province of
Pennsylvania is carefully affixed by a blue ribbon.
Outside it is endorsed "Charter"
"William Denny, Esq., Gov'r,} For a fair and market In
Newark, in the county of New Castle
James McMachen, et al.
"Recording, &c., 5-10,
"Recorded in the Rolls office at New Castle, In Book 8,
p. 357, et. Given under my hand and seal this eighth day
of June. 1758.
R'd McWilliam, Recorder of Deeds." |
In a paper published in 1770 Newark is
spoken of as "a suitable and healthy village, not too rich or
luxurious, where real learning might be obtained." In 1772 an
act was passed establishing two market-days, namely, Tuesday and
Friday, and special provisions for regulating the markets. The
principal prohibitions were buying or selling provisions
elsewhere than in the markets; killing cattle, sheep or hogs in
Academy Square or the market-house; selling unwholesome meat;
using false weights, and exposing for sale any flesh-meat on
Monday or Tuesday in each week, except during June, July and
August. The bakers were also required to stamp their bread in
such a manner that it could be identified. In the same act the
boundaries of the town are thus given:
''And for preventing all
uncertainty and disputes that may arise, touching or
concerning the limits of the said town of Newark: Be it
enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the lines and
bound hereinafter mentioned are and always hereafter
shall be reported, deemed, allowed and taken to be the
boundaries and limits there of That is to say. Beginning
at the Junction of the public road near an inn now known
by the name of Saint Patrick, and extending thence along
the road leading to New London township, in Chester
county, to a small stream or run to the mouth thereof,
where it empties into White Clay creek; and from thence
down the said creek to the most easterly line of the
land now of Doctor Samuel Piatt; and by the lines of the
said Samuel Piatt, and of land now of James Simpson, to
include the said lands within the said town, to the and
now of David McMechan, and from the corner of the said
James Simpson and, David McMechan their land to the end
of James Anderson's lane, and thence by a right line to
the place of beginning." |
The market-house was situated near the
northeast corner of the Academy yard, near the present site of
the Washington Hotel. In 1788 John Penn came from Lancaster and
passed through this section of the country. In his journal of
that year is the following:
"April 17th. The country is
pleasantly varied in the ride from this place to
Wilmington. At Newark is the most considerable
collection of houses I had seen since Lancaster. The Elk
is crossed upon the road and the country is plentifully
watered here by small streams." |
In 1811 an act was passed making
it lawful for James Tilton, George Russell, Levi Boulden, Andrew
Gray, Frederick H. Holtzbecker and John Herdman, or their
successors, as managers, to carry on a lottery for raising a sum
not exceeding four thousand dollars clear of all expenses, to be
expended in turn piking or paving the main street in Newark, and
for repairing the English schoolhouse and market-house. In 1851
a new charter to lay out the boundaries of the town was granted
by the Legislature of Delaware, and John W. Evans, Isaac Ferris,
Robert Ochiltree, Benjamin Caulk and John G. Turner were
appointed commissioners. The present boundaries of the town,
which are the ones laid out by the commissioners, enclose a
nearly coffin-shaped tract of land and are as follows:
"Beginning at the comer of
lands now of Rathmell Wilson and Daniel Fields is, on
the road leading to Port Deposit, thence by the line of
the lands of the said Daniel Fields to the center of the
road lead log to New London township, in the State of
Pennsylvania; thence by a straight line to the
southeastern corner of the lot attached to the Methodist
church; thence to a point in the west line of Samuel C.
Finley's lands, four hundred feet north from the centre
of the present road leading through Newark to
Wilmington; thence in a straight Una to the southeast
corner of lands of Elizabeth Thompson and Albert O.
Lewis; thence along said Lewis' line to the southwest
comer of George O. Evans' land on the Elkton road;
thence in a straight line to the corner of land of Eliza
Holtzbecker and John Whann, being in a line of land of
the estate of Thomas Blaudy, and from thence to the
place of beginning.'' |
During the Revolutionary War, just
previous to the battle of Brandywine, the whole British army
passed through Newark. When General Washington moved southward
toward York town, a detachment of his troops passed through this
town. During the War of the Rebellion thousands of troops were
conveyed by rail to the South, and passed a short distance from
Newark. The growth of this town, though at no time rapid, was
gradual and certain. The business increased from day to day and
reached its greatest height in 1887. The destruction of the Dean
Woolen-Mill on December 25, 1886, was a severe blow to the
interests of the town. Numerous persons were thrown out of
employment, and compelled to move away. Despite this, the town
is in a prosperous condition. On April 21, 1887, Newark was
re-incorporated, and is presided over by a Council of seven men
instead of five commissioners, as heretofore. It is impossible
to obtain a list of the commissioners previous to 1866.
The following persons have served as
Commissioners from that year to the present:
John Pilling, pres.
John W. Evans.
John F. Williams.
James Armstrong.
W. Reynolds |
John W. Evans, pres.
George Williams.
John Pilling.
James Armstrong.
Wm. Reynolds. |
John Pilling, pres.
Samuel Darlington.
Samuel B. Wright.
Edwin Butterworth.
Goo. W. Williams. |
Geo. O. Evans, pres.
James H. Bay.
John Pilling.
Samuel B. Wright
Walter E. Turner |
W. B. Thornley, pres. 1880.
John Pilling.
L. R. Choate.
Geo. G. Evans.
James U. Bay |
Wm. B Thornley, pres.
George Rambo.
Harry Warren.
Benjamin Caulk.
John Pilling. |
John W. Evans, pres. 1882.
Benjamin Caulk.
W. B. Thornley.
W. F. Walker.
Geo. W. Williams. |
John W. Evans, pres. 1883.
George Rambo.
James H. Ray.
John Pilling.
Geo. W. Williams. |
J. W. Evans, pres. 1884.
Samuel Darlington.
James H. Ray.
John Pilling.
Geo. W. Williams |
John W. Evans, pres. 1885.
James Springer.
James Armstrong.
Nathan Sanders.
Geo. W. Williams. |
J. H. Armstrong, pres. 1886.
John W. Evans.
James Springer.
Nathan Sanders.
Geo. W; Williams. |
Wm. Cooch, pres. 1887.
Wm. F. Griffith
John Atkinson.
Nathan Sanders.
Geo. W. Williams. |
John R. Hill, pres.
Wm. F. Griffith.
John Atkinson.
Geo. W, Williams.
Wm. H. Singles |
John H. Hill, pres.
E. L. Gilmour.
Joseph B. Lutton.
D. W. Caskey.
Geo. W. Williams |
John F. Williamson, pres.
John R. Hill.
James Hossinger.
Joseph B. Lutton.
Geo. W. Williams |
John R. Hill, pres.
Theo. F. Armstrong
John Rambo.
James A. Wilson.
Geo. W. Williams |
Theo. F. Armstrong, pres.
Miller R. Barton.
Richard Pilling.
James A. Wilson.
Geo. W. Williams. |
M. R. Barton, pres.
John R. Hill.
James A. Wilson.
Wm. H. Simpers.
Geo. W. Williams |
Samuel M. Donnell, pres.
N. M. Motherall.
A. J. Lily.
Wm. H. Simpers.
Geo. W. Williams |
Wm. H. Simpers, pres.
Samuel J. Wright.
N. M. Motherall.
John Rambo.
Geo W. Williams. |
Theo. F. Armstrong, pres.
Samuel H. Donnell.
Joseph T. Willis.
M. R. Barton.
G. Fader.
Joseph B. Lutton.
Geo. W. Williams |
The population of Newark one thousand
three hundred.
The business interests of the
represented by the following:
J. F. Williamson &
Wright & Son
H. B. Wright & Co.
David Stanhope
T. L. Lilley
B. F. Tillum, supt.
Miss Lillian Gray
S. A. J. Wood
Mrs. Kate O'Brien
A. T. Dilworth
F. M. C. Choate
C. C. Choate
D. L. Choate |
E. L. Gilmour
M. R Barton
M. & R. Corbett
Wm McKenzie
W. F. Griffith
L. Strickland
Wm. M. Wilson
M. J. Kennet
M. N. Motherall
J. W. Pennington
Dr. A. Lowber
Wm. H. Steel |
S. E. Ziegler
M. G. Colmery
J. Dobson
G. Fader
J. W. Parrish
R. Armstrong
J. W. Brown
Wesley B. Hart
Edwin Wilson
Miss M. Pennington
Geo. Dougherty
J. T. Fisher |
Blacksmiths |
Jos. B. Lutton. |
Pusey Pemberton |
Wm. C. Dunbar |
Carriage Trimmers
Eugene Ochiltree |
.. |
Richard Ennis |
Real Estate |
.. |
S. M. Donnell |
.. |
Wheelright |
.. |
Wm. Simpers |
.. |
Schools of Newark
The citizens of Newark have always taken
deep interest in educational affairs. This is evidenced by the
support given to the Newark Academy, the oldest institution of
its kind in the State, and by the fact that it contains the only
college in Delaware. Numerous private schools have been
patronized by the citizens in the past, some of the most
noticeable of which were the seminaries for ladies, conducted by
Rev. Samuel Bell and Mrs. Pierce Chamberlain, and the Franklin
Seminary. The school opened by Miss Wilson in 1869, and still in
existence, received hearty support. In all of these institutions
have been found students not only from all parts of Delaware,
but also from the adjoining States. On October 11, 1830, the
first meeting was held to organize a system of public schools.
In the following year a schoolhouse was erected in what was
termed District No. 39, and shortly afterwards a school was
opened in District No. 41. Both districts are within the limits
of the town. The first annual meeting of the School Board was
held on October 8, 1832. Both schools were conducted separately
until 1873, when they were joined and called United Districts
No. 39 and 41. In 1884 a new two-story brick building was
erected at a cost of $10,000. This building is divided into four
rooms, over which four teachers preside. The number of pupils at
the present time is 185. Prof, V. A. Groves is principal and his
assistants are Misses Fannie Briscoe, Annie Waters and Sallie
Newark Academy. This
institution, so famous for learning in the latter half of the
eighteenth century, had its origin in a school opened in 1741 by
Rev. Francis Allison, pastor of the New London Church, situated
in Chester County, Pa. A few years previous to this Rev.
Allison, a native of Ireland and graduate of Glasgow, came to
this State and entered the family of Gov. John Dickinson as
tutor. In 1741 he received a call to minister to the spiritual
wants of the New London Church. During this year he received
several young men into his family as pupils and schoolmates of
Gov. Dickinson's son, and this formed the nucleus of the present
Academy. Some years previous to this date the Synod of
Philadelphia, representing at that time the Presbyterian Church
of America, was impressed with the need of a suitable school for
educating and preparing young men for the ministry. In 1739 the
Synod determined to found a seminary, and a committee was
appointed to proceed to England and solicit funds for this
purpose. The war then waging between England and Spain
interrupted this project for a time, but it was revived in 1743
and the next year the school started by Rev. Allison was adopted
by the Synod as its own. The plan of conducting the school
adopted by the Synod was as follows: ''That all persons who
please may send their children and have them instructed gratis
in the languages, philosophy and divinity. That the school be
supported for the present by yearly contributions from the
congregations under the Synod's care. That if any funds remain
after paying the salaries of the master and tutor they shall be
expended in the purchase of books and other necessaries for the
school.'' From this arrangement originated an academy, the first
of its kind in this country, and the alma mater of many of the
leading men of that period. Dr. Allison continued rector until
1752, when he was appointed vice-provost and Professor of Moral
Philosophy in the Philadelphia Academy, now the University of
Pennsylvania. Dr. Allison was succeeded by Rev. Alexander
McDowell, who moved the school to Elkton, where it remained for
a short time. In 1767 the school was located at Newark, where it
now is. In 1769 Thomas and Richard Penn, proprietaries of
Pennsylvania and the "Lower Counties," granted a charter to the
Academy as an institution of learning. In 1773 Rev. Dr. Ewing
and Dr. Hugh Williamson were sent to England and Scotland to
secure funds for the Academy. They were successful in their
undertaking, and the generous donations of the Penns and others
enabled them to erect a substantial building, and formed the
basis of the present endowment. On February 17, 1774, Morgan
Edwards, of Newark, conveyed to the trustees of Newark Academy a
lot of land, on the Main Street of the town, adjoining the lot
of Rev. Thomas Reed, containing seven acres and fifty perches.
This tract was sold by them to Alexander McBeath, March 26,
1777, for £259 10s. The Academy was in active operation until
the latter part of 1777, when, on account of the Revolutionary
War then raging, it was closed, and so remained till 1780.
During this period the building was used for the manufacturing
of shoes for the Continental army under General Washington. The
prevalent idea that the Academy was closed during the entire war
is dispelled by the fact that the trustees approved and paid a
bill of John Bratton's for teaching in 1776 and 1777, and in
1783 granted a gratuity of £50 to William Thomson in
consideration of his meritorious conduct in undertaking the
employment of teaching " for near three years past under many
discouragements." Governor Thomas McKean, in a letter to General
Washington dated Newark, Delaware, October 8, 1777, says, ''On
my arrival, I found that all the records and public papers of
the county of New Castle and every shilling of the public money,
together with the fund belonging to the trustees of Newark
Academy, &c., had been captured at Wilmington." The minutes of
the trustees of the Academy during and previous to the
Revolutionary War, by some misfortune, were lost. The first
entry in the new minute book procured in 1783 is as follows:
''Wilmington, 6 Jane, 1783.
''In consequence of previous notice the Trustees of the
Academy of Newark met at this place:
"Rev. Dr. John Ewing, Rev. William McKennan. Rev. Thomas
Read, Mr. John McKinly, General Sam'l Patterson, Mr.
James Mease, Mr. John Thomson.
''Rev. Mat. Wilson, Rev. Joseph Montgomery, Mr. Chas.
Thomson, Hon. Thos. McKean, Hon. John Evans.
''Dr. Ewing laid before the Board an account of the
money belonging to the fund in his hands, which is as
Continental Certificates, for $1200, dated March 27,
1777, £450
Continental Certificates for $2000, dated 8th November,
1779, equal in specie, £31 4s. 2d.
Continental Certificates for $3500, of different dates,
equal in specie to £36 10s. l½d.
Dr. Rash's bond, £200 principal, about ten years
interest, about £300
Dr. Warren's bond, £113 principal, with interest £200
Dr. Francis Alison's bond, £50 principal, with interest
Legacy from Samuel Scott's estate (supposed), £25
Legacy from James Gardner's estate (supposed), £100
Due in part of a house sold £1000, Continental money,
September, 1779, equal to £52
Total £1275 4s. 3d
''Ordered that the Certificates be delivered to the
treasurer, General Patterson. |
''The business of the academy having
been interrupted some years by the war, the trustees now resolve
to carry it on as extensively as their circumstances will admit,
and there for, for the present, agree to employ in the capacity
of their principal teacher, Mr. William Thomson, till the next
meeting. His excellency N. Van Dyke, the Reverend Messrs. James
Latta and John McCreary, the Honorable James Lattimer and
Colonel Richard Cantwell were unanimously elected Trustees, and
General Patterson is requested to acquaint them with the same.
Dr. Ewing is appointed to have it published in the Pennsylvania
newspapers, that the Newark Academy is revived, and will be
carried on as formerly."
Despite the losses incurred during the
war, in 1785, there were in the treasury $6700.40. Mr. Thomson
continued to be the principal of the Academy until 1794. From
this date till 1811, Mr. Johnston tilled the position. During
his administration the Academy was not prosperous, and was
closed from 1796 to 1799. In 1811 he was removed, and Rev.
Andrew K. Russell appointed principal. Under him, the Academy
vastly improved, and was in prosperous circumstances. The
intention of organizing a college in Newark culminated in 1834,
and Newark Academy was merged into Newark College (now Delaware
College). In January, 1847, a deed of the buildings, etc., was
made by the trustees of the Academy to the trustees of Delaware
College.1 The two schools were united until 1869, when the
trustees of Delaware College deeded back to the trustees of
Newark Academy the property conveyed to them in 1847. The
surviving trustee, Hon. Willard Hall and Wm. T. Read, in 1869
elected John W. Evans, Rathmel Wilson, James H. Ray, George G.
Kerr, W. E. Turner, William Reynolds, Edward R. Wilson, David J.
Murphey, George G. Evans and Charles W. Blandy, trustees to fill
the vacancies in the board. Professor E. D. Porter was appointed
principal, and conducted the school with varied success,
generally having a fair number of students. In 1873, Miss Hannah
Chamberlain was elected principal, and females were admitted.
Miss Chamberlain proved an efficient teacher. She was succeeded
1877 by Rev. J. L. Polk, under whose management the Academy was
very prosperous. Prof. Albert N. Raub, the present principal,
has met with marked success in his plan of conducting the
school, and the Academy of Newark is in a prosperous condition,
and ranks very high as an institution of learning. The influence
exerted by this institution since its organization has been very
healthy and beneficial, and has been felt, not only in Delaware,
but also in the adjoining States. Among the names of the
trustees of this Academy are found men celebrated in their day
for devotion to religion, education and the welfare of the
country. It is estimated that five thousand persons have been
educated within the walls of the Academy, most of whom have
become good and useful citizens. Among the early students of the
Academy after it was located at Newark were George Duffield, D.D.,
associate chaplain of Congress with Bishop White; Alexander
McWhorter, D.D., an eminent Presbyterian clergyman; Eward
Miller, M.D., an eminent physician and Professor of Practice of
Physic in the University of New York. Among the alumni of the
Academy are found such men as Charles Thomson, secretary of the
First Congress; Rev. Dr. John Ewing, provost of the University
of Pennsylvania; Thomas McKean, Governor of Pennsylvania, and
many others of equal merit known throughout the entire Union.
The following is a list of the
principals from the opening of the school to the present time:
Rev. Dr. Allison, Rev. Alexander McDowell, Mr. William Thompson,
Mr. Johnstone, Rev. John Waugh, Rev. Francis Hindman. Rev. A. E.
Russell, Mr. Thomas Madden, Mr. N. Z. Graves, Professor Wm. S.
F. Graham, Mr. W. W. Ferris, Rev. Matthew Meiggs, Mr. J. W.
Weston, Rev. Whitman Peck, Professor E. D. Porter, Miss Hannah
Chamberlain, Joseph L. Polk and Albert N. Raub.
Corps of Instructors, Albert N. Raub,
Principal; Assistants, Professor Edgar L. Raub, Miss Gertrude M.
Bridgman and Miss Martha Chamberlain; Teachers of Music, Miss
Georgia Benneson and Miss Nora A. Raub.
Newark M. E. Church.
Previous to 1812 the Methodists of Newark held their meetings in
private families, and occasionally in the Academy building. In
that year an organization was effected and a church erected at
the present location of the Methodist Cemetery, on land then the
property of Isaac Tyson.
On April 8, 1813, Samuel Brumley,
Abraham 8. Keagy, John Stoops, William Silver, Abraham Egbert,
Jacob Tyson, Isaac Tyson and Abraham Heapy were elected
trustees. On the same day they purchased of Isaac Tyson a
half-acre of land on condition ''that they shall keep and
maintain, in good order and repair, the house now erected and
built on the same, and to be finished for the use of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of America."
This was used as a house of worship
until 1851, when, through the efforts of John F. Williamson, and
a few other active members, a new building was erected on Main
Street, at a cost of five thousand dollars. In 1861 this
building was burned down, and services were then held in the
Village Presbyterian Church. In the spring of the following year
the erection of the present edifice was begun on the same
location, but was not completed until the fall of 1864. This is
a commodious two-story brick building, and cost ten thousand
dollars. The dedication sermon was preached in January, 1865, by
Rev. Pennell Combs.
The church at present, is in a
prosperous condition. The following ministers have been
stationed here since 1849: Rev. C. J. Crouch, Rev. 8. Townsend,
Rev. James L. Houston, Rev. James Flannery, Rev. Benjamin F.
Price, Rev. George W. Leibrandt, Rev. Joseph Aspril, Rev. George
Quigley, Rev. James A. Brindle, Rev. M. A. Day, Rev. John
Shields, Rev. C. F. Sheppard, Rev. Benjamin T. String, Rev. Geo.
A. Phoebus, Rev. William H. Hutchins, Rev. John France, Rev.
Thomas H. Haynes, Rev. Henry Colclazer and Rev. C. W. Prettyman.
Trustees at present: W. S. Mote, E. S. Gilmor, William M.
Gamble, W. A. Woodrow, S. R. Hoffecker, John Pilling and James
Newark Presbyterian Church,
From 1839 to 1860 there were two Presbyterian Churches in
Newark, the one known as the Village Church and the other the
First Presbyterian Church of Newark. The former, or New School,
was organized in 1835, with a membership of sixteen. This
congregation met in the school-room of Rev. Samuel Bell, who had
charge of a female seminary at that time. In 1843 it was decided
to erect a church, the comer-stone of which was laid on
September 25th, of that year. The building was completed the
following year, and dedicated March 28th, with appropriate
Dr. Gilbert, then president of Newark
College, was the first pastor. From this date the church enjoyed
a season of prosperity. Dr. Gilbert was succeeded by Rev. J. P.
Wilson in October, 1847, and he officiated until the end of
1849. During this period twenty-five persons were added to the
church-roll. Dr. Wilson was followed in regular order by Revs.
George Foote, Professor Graham, John W. Elliott, Henry A.
Barnes, Nicholas Patterson, V. D. Collins, W. A. Crawford, Ellis
J. Newlin and Mr. Peck. In 1860 the two churches united, and
have since worshipped together. The church building was sold to
the Catholics. The First Presbyterian, or Old School, was
organized in August, 1839, by a committee of New Castle
Presbytery. The congregation, numbering nine members, was
composed of persons who previously worshipped at White Clay
Creek and Head of Christiana Churches. Rev. Alexander Heberton
for a short time preached as stated supply. He was followed by
Rev. Elijah Wilson, who officiated from June, 1842, till 1846.
During his pastorate the church building was erected. During the
following seven years the church was closed, with the exception
of an occasional service. In December, 1853, Rev. James L.
Vallandingham accepted the charge, in connection with the
churches at White Clay Creek, and Head of Christiana. He
resigned in 1860. In that year the two branches were united, and
Rev. Sterling M. Gait was chosen pastor. After his death, in
1865 James Hamilton ministered to the church until 1870, when
ill health compelled him to resign. During his pastorate the old
church building was torn down, and preparations made for the
erection of a new edifice. For a few months Rev. Michael Burdett
filled the pulpit. In 1871 Rev. George J. Porter was elected
pastor. The new building was completed and dedicated June 13,
1872. The church b now in a flourishing condition, and numbers
over a hundred members.
The Christian Church
was organized in 1884. As yet they have erected no church
edifice. Their first pastor, Rev. T. B. Knowles, began his
ministrations in Newark in March, 1887, and still labors there.
St. Patrick R. C. Church.
In 1866 a Catholic Church was organized at Newark, and the
Village Church, erected by the New School Presbyterians, was
purchased for a meeting-house. The church was dedicated in that
year by Bishop O'Hara. The congregation at that time numbered
about three hundred communicants. The first priest in charge was
Father Blake. He was succeeded by Father William Dol-lard.
Father Peter Donaghy, Father John A. Lyons. During Father Lyons'
priesthood a new two-story brick edifice, sixty by eighty feet,
was erected, at a cost of twenty thousand dollars. The successor
of Father Lyons is Father J. D. Cary, the present priest. During
the past year many members of this church have moved from the
town. There are at present about two hundred communicants.
St. Thomas' Protestant Episcopal
Church was erected in 1843, and dedicated to the
worship of God, on February 25, 1845, by the Rt. Rev. Alfred
Lee, D. D., LL.D., bishop of the diocese. The first services
were held August 1, 1842, at which time the congregation was
organized. The vestrymen were Thomas Blandy, Benjamin Gibbs,
William S. Wilson, William Cooch and James S. Martin. The church
edifice was erected at a cost of about $4000. Rev. Walter E.
Franklin was the first rector. The parish has about seventy-five
communicants. The present rector is Rev. George M. Bond.
St. John's A. U. M. P. Church,
The first meeting of the congregation of this church was held in
1855, in a log house situated where the present church stands.
In 1866 it was decided to erect an edifice, which was completed
in 1867^ at a cost of $1100. The number of members has increased
from sixteen to forty-two, the present membership. The following
ministers have officiated: Revs. Solomon Benson, Daniel Russell,
John Morris, N. E. Collins, Benj. Scott, Moses Chippey, Edward
H. Chippey, J. J. Broadman.
The Foundry. In 1851 a foundry was built
by Dr. Palmer Chamberlain, on a site nearly opposite the Deer
Park Hotel. In 1854 C. & H. P. R Blandy purchased the plant and
conducted the business until 1875, when Lewis L. Allen became
the proprietor. Allen was the proprietor for eleven years, and
then Edward R. Wilson, the present owner, purchased it. The
business was never carried on very extensively and was
unprofitable. Since 1886 nothing at all has been manufactured in
the foundry.
In 1886, John A. Bedwell established a
manufactory in the limits of Newark, in a building erected for a
sash-factory. Mr. Bedwell manufactures hammocks and gauze goods
of every description. There are ten looms in the factory and
fifteen employees are required to operate them. The factory has
a capacity of four hundred hammocks per day. The products of
this manufactory are shipped to New York.
Brick-Yard, In 1882 the Newark Brick
Company commenced manufacturing bricks within the boundaries of
Newark. Their annual production amounted to one and a half
millions of bricks per year. Twelve men were employed. Two years
later the brick-yard was purchased by A. J. Hayland & Co. who
ran it for a year. Johnson & McMichael are the present owners
and proprietors. They have in their employ six workmen, and
manufacture annually five hundred thousand common bricks. The
clay bank is in close proximity to the yard.
In 1885 Jacob Casho and C. Mendenhall
began the manufacture of road-machines. The business was carried
on for a year, during which time twenty-six machines were made.
The inability to sell the machine led to the abandonment of its
In 1831 Robt. M. and William B.
Armstrong conveyed to Thos. B. Armstrong a tannery located in
Newark. In 1886 Alexander Walker purchased the tannery and
conducted the business until 1852, when he failed. The tannery
has since been torn down.
St. Patrick, It is impossible to
ascertain the exact date of the erection of this hotel, or by
whom it was built. In 1750 John Pritchard was the landlord and
owner. When Mason and Dixon, with their corps of assistants,
made their surveys in 1764, St Patrick's Inn was their
headquarters. In describing the boundaries of the town of Newark
in 1772, the St. Patrick's Inn is mentioned. The hotel remained
in the Pritchard family for nearly a century, being owned
respectively by John, Tobias and John, and was often called
Pritehard's Hotel. In 1848 James S. Martin purchased the
property, and in 1851 tore down the building and erected a
four-story brick hotel, sixty by forty, and called it the Deer
Park Hotel. This hotel has been owned successively by Jacob De
Haven, J. Marshall Harlan, Alexander A. Laws, Colonel Joshua
Clayton and John E. Lewis the present owner. The hotel is
successfully managed by Mr. Lewis.
Newark Hotel The date of the erection of
this hotel or the names of the earliest proprietors cannot be
definitely ascertained. The earliest accurate information in
regard to it is that a license was granted to Joseph Hossinger
in May, 1797, to keep a hotel in Newark, and some of the oldest
citizens remember hearing the hotel called Hossinger's Tavern.
The hotel was successively owned by John Herdman (who was
proprietor in 1828), John W. Choate, and in 1880 was purchased
by the Newark Hall Company and torn down. The present Exchange
building stands on the site occupied by this hotel. Tradition
says that General Washington passed a night within its walls
during the Revolutionary War.
Washington Hotel. This building was
erected about 1825 by a Mr. Betts. He was proprietor until 1838,
when he sold it to Mr. Blandy, who built an addition to it and
remodeled the part already built. The next and present owner is
James A. Wilson.
Post Office
The post-office at Newark was
established at a very early date, which cannot be accurately
ascertained. The present office is in the Exchange building. The
following are the postmasters from 1840 to the present time:
Thomas Benneson, Mathew Maclain, James L. Miles, Jonathan
Dreunen, John Miller, S. R. Choate.
The Newark Building and Loan Association
was instituted in 1867. The association is conducted on the
serial plan and is in a very prosperous condition. This
organization has been of great assistance in building up and
improving the town. The present officers are: President, E. S.
Gilmour; Vice-President, Joseph Dean; Treasurer, Miller R.
Barton; Secretary, George W. Williams.
The Newark Library Association was
organized in October, 1878. The library now contains six hundred
volumes of choice books of every description. Additions are
being constantly made of the latest literary works of merit.
Shortly after its organization there were eighty members, but at
present only fifty are in good standing. The library is kept in
the store-room of William M. Wilson, and is under the
supervision of Wilbur Wilson, librarian. The officers are:
President, Joseph Dean; Secretary, Miss Sue Evans; Treasurer,
Dr. H. G. M. Kollock; Librarian, Wilbur Wilson.
Telephone, W. A. Woodrow in 1882 opened
a telephone office to communicate with Wilmington. Only one wire
was then in use. In the following year Miss Lilian Gray took
charge of the office and in 1884 secured seven subscribers. From
that time the office has been known as the Telephone Exchange.
At the present time there are twelve wires, ten of which are
used and by means of which communication can be held with all
parts of Wilmington.
National Bank of Newark. The Bank of
Newark was charted as a State Bank with a capital of fifty
thousand dollars. Daniel Thompson was the first president of it.
James L. Martin, Frederick A. Curtis, William McClelland, James
L. Miles, Benjamin Caulk, John Miller, Daniel Thompson, Solomon
Leeche and Joseph Hossinger were appointed commissioners to open
the books, secure subscriptions for stock and to attend to the
general business incident to its opening. In 1864 it was
converted into a National Bank. The capital stock is fifty
thousand dollars, and the surplus twenty-six thousand dollars.
The present officers are: President, Joel Thompson; Cashier,
George W. Lindsey; Teller, George W. Williams.
Red Men. A lodge of Red
Men was instituted in this town in 1885. The number of members
at that time was sixteen. The lodge has been prosperous and
gradually increased in numbers till there are now forty-three.
The organization is known as Minnehaha Tribe, No. 23, I. O. R.
M. The present officers are: Sachem, S. Raymond Choate; Senior
Sachem, George R. Powell; Junior Sachem, Frank M. Smith; Keeper
of Records, S. I. Sweet; Keeper of Wampum, J. W. Miller; W. P.,
T. A. Mullen.
Masons, In the minutes
of the Newark Academy of 1808 mention is made of a petition of
''Lodge No. 96, of Masons," for use of the academy, which was
not granted. Nothing definite can be learned of this
organization. In 1816 Hiram Lodge, No. 3, was Instituted and it
continued till 1825. In January, 1870, Hiram Lodge, No. 26, A.
F. A. M., was organized. The charter members were John France,
Walter E. Turner, Edward D. Porter, John W. Evans, Charles C.
King and James H. Ray. At the close of that year there were
sixteen members. The lodge is in a prosperous condition and
numbers fifty-two members. The officers at the present time are:
M., E. S. Gilmour; S. W., W. H. Simpers; J. W., Dr. Frank L.
Springer; Treasurer, John O. Shivler; Secretary, S. M. Donnell.
Knights of Pythias,
Osceola Lodge, No, 5, K. of P., was organized on June 6, 1868.
The number of members at that time was sixteen. During this year
and the following the society was in a flourishing condition and
numbered eighty members. Since that time it has gradually
diminished and now there are but eighteen members. The following
are the present officers: C. C, James Morris; V. O., George
Ferguson; Prelate, Isaac Wainwright, M. of E., J. C. Shivler; M.
of F., William B. Kearns; K. of R. and S., Paul Gillis; M. at
A., Nathan Davis.
Oriental Lodge, No. 12, I. O. O.
F. was instituted at Newark February 11, 1847. Robert
Fulton, Robert E. Payne, A. C. Alexander, John Hamilton and
Hiram Austin were the charter members. At the termination of
that year there were twenty members. A hall was built by this
order in 1850 and is still owned and used for lodge purposes.
Since its organization the order has been very prosperous and
now numbers ninety-two members. The present officers are; N. G.,
William Gamble; V. G., Clayton C. Choate; R. S., Joseph T.
Willis; Treasurer, William H. Simpers; P. S. George W. Williams.
Good Templars, Newark
Lodge, No, 3, Independent Order of Good Templars of Newark,
Delaware, was organized on the 8th day of March, 1883, in the
Methodist Episcopal Church of aforesaid town, and composed of
twenty-one members. Henry W. Morrow, of Wilmington, Sr. P. G. T.
C, and a Mr. Hargraves, of Philadelphia, instituted the lodge.
During the four years nearly two hundred accessions have been
made. Present membership about sixty members. Lodge meets on
Saturday evening in Red Men's Hall, Main Street.
Ancient Order of United Workmen,
Anchor Lodge, No. 4, A. O. U. W. was organized and instituted in
September 1881. The membership for the first year numbered
twenty-three. Many of this order have recently removed from the
town. At present there are thirty-five members. The officers of
the society are: Master Workman, Jas. A. Wilson; Foreman,
William H. Stephens; Overseer, William M. Gamble; Recorder, S.
R. Choate; Receiver, Dr. H. G. M. Kollock; Financier, E. S.
Newark Grange, No, 5, P. of H,
was instituted April 6, 1874. In that year a store was opened by
this association in the room now occupied by Dr. H. G. M.
Kol-lock. This was shortly afterwards discontinued and a
cooperative store opened, which occupies at present a portion of
the Exchange building and is under the superintendence of B. F.
Tillum. The organization has rapidly increased in numbers and
there are now seventy-five members as against the original
twelve charter members. At present the Grange is officered by
the following persons: Master, James Hossinger; Overseer, Thomas
Brackin; Steward, James R. Deighton; Assistant Steward, John
McKane; Lecturer, W. L. Skinner; Chaplain, John McKeonan;
Treasurer, Samuel Lindsey; Secretary, J. H. Clark; Gate Keeper,
William Rankin; Ceres, Mrs. E. E. Steel; Pomona, Mrs. A. P.
Cannon; Flora, Mrs. A. B. Walton; Lady Assistant Steward, Miss
F. J. Dean.
Colored Lodges. Barnes
Lodge, No, 1682, G. U. O. of O. F. was organized July 19, 1875,
with a membership of forty-one. The number of members at present
is forty-two.
Mt. Carmel Lodge, No, 14, A. F. A. Y. M. was
instituted August 7, 1876. The membership in that year numbered
forty-two. The lodge now numbers thirty-five members.
New Castle
Source: History of Delaware, 1609-1888,
Volume I, by J. Thomas Scharf, L. J. Richards & Company,
Philadelphia, 1888.